Saturday, April 28, 2012

Give The Gift

Now you are reading our next Lesson. Do you understand how special that makes you? I don't think you do. Most people start, but they never finish. Most people begin, but they don't complete. Congratulate yourself right now, okay?

Subtle changes and differences are already happening just because you are exposing yourself to this material. The more you do it, the more empowered you will become. The more empowered you are, the effective you will be in everything that you do.

Unblock The Flow
Happiness does not come from success, but happiness can definitely aid you in the accomplishment of all of your goals and dreams. To accomplish really big dreams, you have to open yourself up to what's possible and unblock the flow in your life.

Negativity is the resistance you have to how life actually is. Each of us is trying acquire, accomplish and move forward. That's who you are, right? If you were attracted to this material, then you are someone who is committed to achieving, accomplishing, and succeeding.

When you try to accomplish more, life pushes back.  So often, life doesn't match your expectations, and you go into a state of negativity. You resist what life is.  The only problem is that you get what you focus on. So, if you're focused on how life shouldn't be this way or that way, then you will get more of what you're focused on.  This simply makes your life harder then you want.  Which creates a negative loop.  Life doesn't have to be hard.  Even when you are doing hard things.  What makes something hard is your unwillingness to accept it as it is.

Success doesn't come easily, which is why success formulas of the past have included instructions to be persistent and diligent.  In the pursuit of success you naturally run into hidden barriers of resistance.  What you might not know is that the resistance to the barriers and challenges are within our own mind. Broken expectations.  Wishing it was easier.  Hopelessness.  Frustration.  When you have an opinion that life should be different, your success process is harder then it needs to be.  This puts you into a negative state. If you want happiness AND success, then it is absolutely essential that you let go of your resistance and accept the process exactly as it is.  This will put you into the flow.

Give The Gift
The law of contribution states that level of your happiness and success is directly proportional to the number of people you serve selflessly. The more you give, the more you will receive.

Most people want to take, take, take, take. Most people want to acquire and get and pull things to themselves.  Most do not realize that this is a lack-based mindset. The most successful people in the world are givers, not takers. The most successful people in the world contribute, make a difference, uplift, support.

To achieve happiness and success, look for ways to be of service to others unconditionally. I call this giving The Gift. These are the four steps I recommend:

A.  Connect with people that you wouldn't normally connect with.

Instead of skipping over people and moving on with your life, stop. Connect. Seek to understand who these people are. See who is out there. Notice that the world is filled with interesting and unusual people.

B.  Find out what their goals and dreams are.

Be interested.  What are they up to? What are they committed to? Where are they going? What are they doing next? What are they trying to accomplish right now in their world.  What do they need to move their life forward?

C.  See if there is a way you can help or support their goals and dreams.

Make a difference on the spot.  Be a gift to them.  Contribute.  Make a difference.  Help.  Support.

For example: Do you have some information for them? Do you have some knowledge to share? Can you introduce them to someone? Can you point them in the right direction?

Important:  Don't do things that put you out or disrupt your life.  Do things that are mutually beneficial for both of you. Authentically give without any agenda or need to have them reciprocate.

D.  Watch the miracles happen in your own life. 

You are going to be blown away by all the amazing things that will happen to you when you become an unconditional giver.  I think you will be equally shocked by the realization that you've been stopping the flow by being stingy. 

I want you to consider that you have been afraid that your goals won't manifest.  So you try harder and push more.  This makes you feel like you don't have time to help others because you are to busy making your stuff happen. 

Stop yourself from being in this fear-based mindset.  Practice being in a prosperity-based mindset of giving, contributing, making a difference, and uplifting. Then, be open to all of The Gifts that will come your way.

People who have it all get even more. People who have nothing get even less. When you give, you will receive.  Be open to receiving gifts in return. Allow others to help and serve you.

Give The Gift to everyone in your life.  Connect with people you wouldn't normally connect with. Find out what their goals and dreams are right now. See if there is a way that you can make a difference for them on the spot.  Be open to all the miracles, magic and opportunities that comes your way.

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