Saturday, April 28, 2012

Seven Steps to Happiness and Success

If you are a sales person, an entrepreneur, or an executive, then this is going to be an inspiring lesson for you on how to achieve happiness that will lead to success. And I know that that is a strange way to put it, because most people relate success leading to happiness. Yet, nothing could be further from the truth.

Over the last 17 years, I have worked with 8,000 entrepreneurs, sales people, and executives to achieve incredible happiness and peace, which we then applied to their business and their projects, and accelerated everything that they did. So many came to me successful beyond imagination and tragically unhappy with the life they had created.  Success did not bring the happiness they sought.  Don't get me wrong, they were relatively happy people.  They just lacked that deep profound sense of happiness that I am promising you.

Over the years, people under my tutelage have had quantum leaps in their ability to make money and produce extraordinary results.  The results came because they worked on their inner happiness and harmony first, and applied that energy to their projects.

Why does happiness lead to success?

Happiness is attractive. Happiness creates charisma. Happiness is going to pull things to you. When you are someone who has that inner glow, more people want to do business with you. More people will say yes to you. Opportunities will come your way. You'll have the energy and enthusiasm to complete what you start. In the end, the person who is happy, fulfilled, and satisfied is more productive. You are going to find that taking on these very simple steps to happiness will lead to incredible success, and that success will not be the destructive kind of success that I have seen so many thousands of times in my career.

Most people achieve success hoping that they will finally be happy and fulfilled, only to be disappointed by the fact that they are now wealthy, but still the same person. It is who you are and your perspective on life that determines whether you are happy or not. So, let's start off with the first step of the seven steps to happiness and success.

Realize That Your Mind is Not Your Friend.

Your mind, which I call The Drunk Monkey, doesn't care about your goals and dreams. Have you ever noticed that when you set new goals and new dreams, the first person to talk you out of it is the chatter in your head. It is imperative that you begin to see that there are two people. There is The Drunk Monkey, which is a non-stop talking machine that never shuts up and has an opinion on everything, and then there is the person who is listening, which is who you really are. Your goal is to begin to realize that there is talking in your head, which is really trying to keep you safe, and then there is a person who is listening which is trying to have an amazing life.

These two elements are opposing. The person who is listening has surrendered control of your life on accident. In order for you to achieve happiness and success, you have got to stop trusting in the mind and practice trusting your gut. Your gut will say go, do it, you can do this. And your mind will think of a million reasons why you can't. Your gut will say, take the action, say yes, go for it, and your mind will say, you are not good enough, you're stupid, you have done it in the past and it didn't work out.

Begin to see that the mind's job is to keep you alive, it's a part of your biology. Notice that today, and watch how it brings relief and it brings more happiness.

Start to recognize that all suffering is a function of your opinion. All opinions are nothing more than an estimation of the mind about the truth of reality. Reality cannot be discerned from the mind. The mind sees life through a filter called your perception.  

I know it sounds like philosophical mumbo-jumbo, but if you will read these words over and over and over, if you will read them again, and again, and again, a transformation will begin to occur within you. A new you will begin to emerge, a happier, more fulfilled, more satisfied version of yourself, someone who is encouraged and empowered and willing to take risks and willing to take action on things that you previously were afraid to take action on, bold. That is who you are becoming in taking these lessons.

Homework Assignment.

To achieve happiness and success, I want you to begin to notice that The Drunk Monkey, all that talking in your head, is not on your side and doesn't care about your goals and dreams. This will give you the energy and the enthusiasm to stop listening to the mind and start listening to your gut.  

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