Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Stop Thinking Negative

Success won't make you happy, but happiness can aid in your success. When you understand the The Drunk Monkey, you can let go of resisting everything that it takes to succeed. Success is difficult, but that doesn't mean it has to be frustrating, agonizing or cause suffering. You can learn to engage the challenge of success and do it in such a way that is easy, effortless and enjoyable. By effortless, I don't mean that it will lack effort, I mean metaphorically, for you, the effort will not feel like effort. 

Ease, effortlessness, and joy, begin with an understanding of The Drunk Monkey. When you realize that The Drunk Monkey in your head doesn't care about you, isn't interested in your goals and dreams and wants your life to remain the same, you begin to move beyond it and ignore the mind. When this occurs you effortlessly over come challenges and succeed with ease.

It is imperative that you understand that success will not make you happy. People with money are generally more satisfied then those without.  In the end, happiness is nothing more than context with which you view the world. Learning that context is essential for happiness.  Like I said before, when you get happy, success is easier.  Happiness makes you more attractive, easier to be with, which causes more people to want to deal with you.

Stop making up negative futures and avoiding them.

One of the tactics The Drunk Monkey uses to keep you safe (in a world that is not even dangerous) is dreaming up potential negative futures that you should avoid. The problem, of course, is these potential negative futures aren't coming. They are nothing more than a figment of your imagination, yet their impact is no less intense. Imaginary negative futures literally imprison you before anything negative has even happened. You worry, fret and feel fear even though nothing has actually happened.  You make plans to avoid this imaginary future, even though you have not encountered it. 

The truth is that you have infinite possibilities before you. Any future that you dream up, you can manifest. This is good news and bad news.  What you focus on, you create.  So, if you allow The Drunk Monkey to focus on imaginary negative futures, then you will create that in your life.  This only reinforces The Drunk Monkey's conviction that you should listen to its insanity!

You are not psychic. You don't know the future. You are not a fortune teller. So, these ntegative futures that The Drunk Monkey creates aren't nessisarily coming.  They represent one of millions of possibilities.  Yet, notice how you operate like they are coming.  This will cause you to zig when you need to zag.  You will operate out of fear when no fear is nessiary.  After coaching more then 8000 people to achieve happiness and success I can tell you that taking action when you are afraid often leads to disaster.  More importantly, it WILL NOT make you happy.

Can you succeed with fear in the background? Absolutely. Almost every person who has ever succeeded has had fear in the background. But I am suggesting that there is a new paradigm which is success without the fear. Fear is not necessary for success. Fear makes success harder. All fear stems from The Drunk Monkey and its foolish imaginings. Anything other then happiness and peace is just a state of mind. 


Catch The Drunk Monkey making up negative futures.  Then question the validity of the imaginary future.  Dream up all the different futures that could happen.  Ask yourself, "Why couldn't one of these other futures be what's coming? Am I phycic?  Do I know the actual future?" 

Make up futures that you want. What are you committed to? What do you want to have happen? What are the futures worth going for?

If you are going to make things up, why not make things up that make you feel good. If you're going to make things up, why not make things up that empower you, inspire you, and gets you in action.

Stop allowing The Drunk Monkey to make things up, that debilitate and put you in fear.

Matthew Ferry & Elevate The Vibe LLC

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